Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Internet of Things a Technological

Question: Discuss about the Internet of things. Answer: Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the latest technologies that the world is working on and developing in order to eliminate human intervention. IoT could be defined as an ecosystem that connects all physical objects that are accessible through the Internet. The things, as defined by IoT, could be anything that is accessible using Internet (Beyene et al., 2017). The things ranges from a human heart that is controlled by the Internet or an entire city with sensors to automate its activities. This assignment highlights the problem that are faced by cities and the work that could be automated using IoT to reduce manual labour. The solution is provided in this assignment, along with in-depth understanding of how it works its pros and cons. Problem definition In most of the cities, there are various activities that could be easily controlled by the Internet and sensors, without any human intervention. For example, the control of the traffic signals could be done by using sensors (Byun et al.,2016). The sensors are devised to track the flow of traffic and regulate the signals according to that, without human intervention. Moreover, baggage tracking, trash collecting are also some of the activities that could be easily automated. Solution with features Traffic signal maintenance is one of the major issues in big cities, as the population of the traffic is high and during office hours, it becomes quite impossible for manual control of the traffic signals. However, using IoT technology, the traffic lights could be devised with sensors. These sensors are able to track the flow of traffic and then set the traffic signals accordingly. Moreover, the waste management is also a major issue in big cities. The trashcans are often cleared from time to time. Use of smart trash can has sensors in them. When the cans are filled to certain level, the municipality departments are informed such that they can send their vehicles to replace the cans immediately and prevent overflow of garbage (Byun et al.,2016). Another major sector that needs a lot of human intervention is the security guards in the office buildings. Facial recognition doors could replace this manual labour (Wortmann Flchter, 2015). While only the people with registered facial conf igurations could be allowed inside the premises, the need of a security guard to restrict access could be eliminated. Diagram Figure 1: Smart City using IoT (Source: Beyene et al., 2017) Figure 2: Some of the smart elements using IoT (Source: Byun et al.,2016 ) Working of the project The smart city project works of IoT technology, where sensors are attached to the things, such that they could be controlled by Internet (Byun et al.,2016). The use of smart traffic signals helps in automated management of the traffic, thus reducing the traffic congestion in the cities. Moreover, smart waste management ensures that the trash bins are cleared from time to time, such that overflow of garbage could be prevented. The smart parking lot ensures that the parking space is fully utilized and optimised. As the parking lot gets full, a sensor indicates that the parking lot is out of capacity. However, while a car moves out of the parking lot, the sensor indicates vacancy and an automated conveyer belt moves one car at a time into the parking lot (Liu Zhu, 2014). Thus, without intervention of humans, the cars are parked in the most optimized manner. The house lights are also done using smart sensors. When the sensors sense the presence of human beings, the houses are lit up (Mi sra et al.,2016). However, with the absence of human being, the lights are kept off, thus conserving electricity. Pros and Cons The pros of the smart city projects are as follows: Saves human intervention Automation of the activities makes it more perfect Optimization of the activities (Misra et al.,2016) Better management Ensures smooth running of the entire city The cons are much less compared to the pros. The cons are as follows: Failure of Internet Technical fault in the sensors (Zanella et al., 2014) Failure of the control servers will result in complete chaos in the smart city Since it is a better replacement of the human beings, hence unemployment rate might increase Conclusion IoT is the ultimate future that the world is looking forward. With the IoT technology, most of the activities that are periodic and does not need much customization could be automated. The IoT technology is inevitable for the advancements all around the world. Smart cities, smart agriculture, vehicle simulation, automated waste management are some of the features of a smart city. Thus, the IoT technology is essential for the advancements in the world. References Beyene, Y. D., Jantti, R., Tirkkonen, O., Ruttik, K., Iraji, S., Larmo, A., ... Torsner, J. (2017). NB-IoT technology overview and experience from cloud-RAN implementation.IEEE Wireless Communications,24(3), 26-32. Byun, J., Kim, S., Sa, J., Kim, S., Shin, Y. T., Kim, J. B. (2016). Smart City Implementation Models Based on IoT Technology.T. Shin, J.-B. Kim//Advanced Science and Technology Letters,129, 209-212. Liu, S. J., Zhu, G. Q. (2014). The application of GIS and IOT technology on building fire evacuation.Procedia engineering,71, 577-582. Misra, G., Kumar, V., Agarwal, A., Agarwal, K. (2016). Internet of things (iot)a technological analysis and survey on vision, concepts, challenges, innovation directions, technologies, and applications (an upcoming or future generation computer communication system technology).American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,4(1), 23-32. Wortmann, F., Flchter, K. (2015). Internet of things.Business Information Systems Engineering,57(3), 221-224. Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., Zorzi, M. (2014). Internet of things for smart cities.IEEE Internet of Things journal,1(1), 22-32.

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