Sunday, May 17, 2020

Globalization Is A As A Popular Expression - 1392 Words

Globalization is a term that became a popular expression in the 1980 s. Its use describes the amplified movement of people, knowledge, ideas, goods and money across national borders that leads to increased interdependence among the world s populations politically, publicly and culturally. Canada is one of the most globally integrated countries in the world. Our society is comprised of a highly advanced system of communication and information technology, contains a government that is dynamic in universal organizations, an economy that is reliant on trade, a population that travels abroad regularly, and a society composed of individuals from countless cultural backgrounds. (Foster, T. (2006, March 9). Globalization, pg. 2-6†¦show more content†¦It encompasses the deterioration of the environment through reduction of resources, ecosystems and the extinction of the environment, which can either positively or negatively, affects certain Canadian businesses. There is also the sup pression of human rights to consider, which entails the lack of support and working conditions workers may face in any field. Ultimately, it can be argued that globalization is a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of workers and suppression of human rights, all of which are negative effects on Canadian businesses. Exploitation of workers works internationally to negatively affect the credibility and efficiency of Canadian businesses. Nowadays most Canadians and residents of other developed western countries are mindful of the existence of sweatshops and labour exploitation in developing countries such as China, India, and Mexico. We all, including myself, agree that corrupt conditions and low wages for those workers are unacceptable, but none of us can do anything about it because globalization allows it to happen. Business is able to have factories in third world countries, such as Canadian business Joe Fresh, which has factories in India, the Philippines and China. People working in these factories are given less pay for more work. Their poverty and resulting economic depression in their respective countries can trigger adverse reactions across the globe, making them a target for foreigners to choose the cheap

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