Thursday, September 3, 2020

Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt

Parody, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Feline's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut was written in 1963. It is an ironical critique on present day man and his franticness (back spread). It is a book that counters pretty much every part of our general public. Just as parody, Vonnegut additionally remembers prophetically catastrophic components for this novel. Parody, the utilization of incongruity, mockery, or derision in uncovering, criticizing, or disparaging bad habit or indiscretion (Webster 1193), is common in Cat's Cradle. Vonnegut hits on numerous parts of human existence with this parody. Government, religion, medication, and business are only a couple of these viewpoints. In concentrating on government, Vonnegut shows us a pioneer (Papa Monzano), who endeavors to make an ideal world, yet simply like in the present society, he makes vows to his kin, and afterward neglects to satisfy them. Unexpectedly he permits the best for himself and his staff, while his kin battle. Too, Vonnegut assaults religion with his own inventively made up religion (Bokononism) which is only lies. He demonstrates religion and science to be conflicting where religion is based ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Materials and technology in English language teaching Assignment

Materials and innovation in English language educating - Assignment Example Materials and Technology in English Language Teaching Innovation and thoughts applicable to it just as different executions have ceaselessly changed quickly. This renders it hard to give an authoritative image of CALL in the market, for the most part in the web. CALL alludes to Computer Assisted Language Learning. It has been in presence since the 1960s, be that as it may, the concentration as showed, spins around its reality and inclusion in the market, in the course of the most recent 15 years. One arm of Applied Linguistics has been picking up in prevalence in the previous 10 years. Various researchers have furnished us with now settled definitions. For Levy, CALL is the quest for and investigation of utilizations of the PC in language instructing and learning. Beatty alludes to CALL as any procedure in which a student utilizes a PC and, accordingly, winds up improving their language. This includes an expansive range of current practices in instructing and learning at the PC, while Egbert expresses that CALL is students learning lang uage in any setting with, through PC technologies. As noted, elective abbreviations to CALL rose in acknowledgment of the ascent of the Internet proposed Technology Enhanced Language Learning, which accentuates the innovation the PC gives as opposed to the PC itself. Web-upgraded Language Learning lay begat to allude to the Internet as a mechanism for guidance, while Warschauer and (Kern 2000) proposed Network-based Language Learning, which stresses PCs associated with each other with human-to-human correspondence as the core interest. Above all, these definitions and abbreviations have at their center the thought of understudies taking a shot at a work area or PC, so as to deliberately rehearse or get familiar with a language. With the PC at the center and applications generally fixated on deliberately rehearsing dialects, it isn't hard to perceive how these elective abbreviations successfully turned into close to branches of CALL, as they didn't challenge its characterizing attr ibutes. The criticalness of the English language for all understudies when utilizing PCs outside of their examinations is obvious to see from the reaction to Q2. A minuscule 3.3% demonstrated that they utilize just L1, contrasted with an enormous joined 86.6% who utilize both L1 and L2. A further 8.1 percent detailed utilizing just English. We have just noticed that reactions to Q3 incorporated various sites and it was references to Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia, which ruled the answers. Remarks from the subjective information gave progressively point by point bits of knowledge, into the importance of English for these specific understudies. Taking into account a model, I like games in English. It is straightforward a game in English and a TF utilizes PCs for the most part in English and in the event that she doesn't comprehend. I can figure and on the off chance that I don’t realize I search online word reference Longdo, it’s entirely great, it’s simple to use ’. In any case, the strength of the English language on the web can likewise make it hard for certain understudies as exemplified by a remark from an EF. Once in a while it is an issue since we don't see a few words and we feel confounded. Language instructional method in the course of recent years has seen a huge move from instructor to student focused methodologies and the thought lies regularly acknowledged in SACs, which have now become a fundamental element for some suppliers. A SAC here alludes to the physical area where they make both paper-based materials (PbMs) and CbMs accessible for

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Library Outside the Traditional Library System Article

A Library Outside the Traditional Library System - Article Example I was stuck in my examination journey. I didn't have the foggiest idea what to do. My cousin had restricted involvement in the online library himself. We communicate something specific through the framework as a request to the bookkeeper about how to continue. The curator replied in under 48 hours. The tips I got from the bookkeeper on the most proficient method to discover the data I was looking for were exceptionally helpful. Remote access is the capacity to enter or sign into a system from a remote area (Webopedia, 2007). School ought to give this sort of administration to its understudy body. Remote access has a lot of uses for understudies enlisted at the k-12 level. Educators can make labs in their study halls is which all the understudies can sign into a system to appreciate some sort of instructive experience. The educator itself doesn't need to be available during the meeting since remote access permits instructors to screen the framework from an outside area. Understudy realizing that the instructor can screen their PC exercises; since each activity get signed into the framework will carry on well and become familiar with the estimation of obligation and restraint. Remote access can likewise give benefits to the k-12 understudies, for example, the capacity to enter the school library or electronic assets to discover data after school that can assist them with their task from their homes. As a piece of group answerable for dealing with a school library media framework in the change procedure of making a site and electronic assets there would be a lot of things that must be chipped away at, yet the top need would be on instructing the personnel and instructors on the framework. A school with innovations insufficiencies in its library framework has an extraordinary chance of having these sorts of lacks thought the school. I would set up quick compulsory courses for the instructors to get them up to information on the National Educational Technology Standards.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Dante and Chaucer Trailblazers for the Reformation of the Catholic Church - Literature Essay Samples

To the heedless reader, Dante’s Inferno and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales are generally interpreted as mere works of fiction designed and created for the sole purpose of entertainment. To fully glean the authors’ intended message, though, one must carefully analyze the rhetoric and style of each work. If both pieces of art are not attentively examined, the reader would neglect Dante’s and Chaucer’s layered themes of the criticisms of church representatives’ behaviors in their poems. These influential artists anticipated the beginnings of the Catholic Reformation, exemplified heavily in Inferno and The Canterbury Tales. In the view of the authors, Catholic church officials were found to be flawed in that they were incredibly corrupt and placed a sinful emphasis on worldly wealth. Nearly a century before the era of the Reformation, starting in 1517 with Martin Luther’s Theses, Dante and Chaucer both catalyzed the movement for the Reform ation by subtly rebuking the church, indirectly through their works of fiction. Although Dante offers sharp commentary of the politics of his home city-state of Florence throughout the Inferno, his commentary about the position of church officials is of especial interest. His criticism his important because of its future roles in significant historical events of the consequent split of the Catholic church into the Protestant sect. During the lifetime of Dante, church corruption was rampant. Everyone from priests to the pope was guilty of the sin of avarice, defined by the intense gluttony of monetary wealth. Dante’s disdain for church representatives is represented by the placement of them in the structure of his Inferno. To understand the severity of Dante’s scorn directed towards the sinful church leaders, one must first understand the construction of his Hell. Dante’s Hell was assembled on the severity of the sin committed; the graver the sin, the deeper in Hell the sinner was condemned to. Thus, in Canto XIX, (page 454) many of the impor tant church leaders, including Pope Nicholas III, are found in the eighth circle of the Inferno, which is the second to last circle of Hell. For reference, the lustful are found in the second circle, while the arch-heretics are found in the sixth circle (page 391). Now that the basis of structure has been set, form of punishment follows a similar overarching set of rules in the Inferno. Dante finds Pope Nicholas III â€Å"writhing more than any of his comrades†¦ licked by a redder flame† (page 454). Because Nicholas III was not a mere priest, but rather the pope of the entire Catholic church, entrusted with â€Å"the keys into his keeping† (page 456), his form of punishment was more drastic than the others, exemplified by the brighter burning, hotter flame. In Dante’s conversation with Pope Nicholas III, he argues that the pope â€Å"brings grief upon the world† by instead of worshipping God, â€Å"he worshipped hundreds†¦ not differing from the idolater† (page 456). This very scene stands as Dante’s viewpoint of the deficiencies of church representatives; that they place more importance on worldly wealth than they did on righteously leading the Catholic church. Also, Pope Nicholas III was not the only pope guilty of these sins. As exemplified by the ability of the tormented to see into the future, but not the past, described on page 455, more popes were to be condemned to the same whole that Pope Nicholas III was already placed in, supporting the idea that multiple church representatives were enveloped in fraud and deception. While these factual events did not lead to widespread change in Dante Alighieri’s lifetime, they would provide the necessary stimulant that would lead to the events of Marti n Luther. Dante performed this role as a catalyst by first introducing the idea that the church was involved in corruption and deceit. While not directly covered in the Inferno, this preliminary introduction was necessary because of the sheer power of the Catholic Church, and its effective ability to silence opponents and sway public interest. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a frame story of a variety of people on a pilgrimage to a cathedral in Canterbury. It is notable to point out; while Chaucer may have created a setting with religious overtones, being that of a pilgrimage, it is actually quite ironic because the characters described in the frame story also represent Chaucer’s criticisms of church representatives. In Dante’s Inferno, he informs the audience of his criticisms of church representatives by their place in his Hell. In contrast, Chaucer uses irony to display his opinion on the issue. For example, when describing the Prioress, she is portrayed as â€Å"finding what pleases her best† (page 665). This claim is supported by the fact that she wears a rosary in adherence to the love and admiration of Jesus Christ, but, nuns were not allowed to wear flamboyant articles, let alone jewelry in the first place (page 666). By wearing the rosary, the Prioress is signifying that she does not pay particular attachment to the Catholic Church, or to the principle beliefs upon which it is based. This example is representative of Chaucer’s viewpoint that church officials are heavily corrupted, and that the Catholic Church as a whole should not be trusted because of their dishonesty and fraud. Chaucer further illustrates his point that many church officials are corrupt by the description of the Monk. The Monk also demonstrates the author’s point that church officials are corrupt by his willingness to adhere to the religion to which he is a leader of. Instead of reading the Bible and engaging in religious thought and prayer, the Monk would rather go hunting because â€Å"he is heedless of rules† (page 666). Chaucer adds to the character development of the Monk by stating that he â€Å"would not give you one plucked hen†¦ for that text† (page 666). According to interpretation of this quote, the text here in question is the Holy Bible. Because the Monk does not feel any responsibility for the principles of his position, he would rather go out and use his time according to his hobbies, which are to hunt. All of these quotes support the claim that Chaucer is again creating a contrast in his characters, representative of his viewpoint as a whole. The sp ecific contrast in these characters has been that they are both in positions of authority in the church, but they act as if they are corrupted, further exemplified by the choice of the Monk’s clothing, which is very ornate. Jesus Christ taught that his followers should be humbled, and show modesty towards other people, but the Monk is comprehensively disregarding this teaching, additionally exemplifying his malfeasance. Perhaps the most notably and intriguing example of corruption in Chaucer’s tale is that of the Pardoner, who confesses that he advertises false relics to Christians (page 713). Chaucer’s description of the Pardoner is a direct representation of the type of church official that Martin Luther will later take advance against, as described in The 95 Theses. Similar to Dante, by exposing the public to the idea of church corruption masked by a faà §ade of fiction, Chaucer was able to pave the way for the Reformation. When the Reformation actually came around, many of these ideas published by Reformists such as Luther were already discussed by literary greats such as Chaucer or Dante. Dante and Chaucer were both influential authors who shaped the view of the public in their works of fiction, the Inferno and The Canterbury Tales. They claimed that the representatives of the Catholic Church were unfit for their respective positions, based on the scandals of church corruption. Church corruption was a substantial issue of the time because the widespread grip it had among the lower class, and the power it bestowed to the higher-class elites, who could use this position for monetarily gain. Chaucer and Dante would herald in an era of Reformation by first introducing the idea that church officials were corrupt to the general public. These ideas would eventually catch fire like an Inferno and be spread by religious pilgrims all over the continent of Europe.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Globalization Is A As A Popular Expression - 1392 Words

Globalization is a term that became a popular expression in the 1980 s. Its use describes the amplified movement of people, knowledge, ideas, goods and money across national borders that leads to increased interdependence among the world s populations politically, publicly and culturally. Canada is one of the most globally integrated countries in the world. Our society is comprised of a highly advanced system of communication and information technology, contains a government that is dynamic in universal organizations, an economy that is reliant on trade, a population that travels abroad regularly, and a society composed of individuals from countless cultural backgrounds. (Foster, T. (2006, March 9). Globalization, pg. 2-6†¦show more content†¦It encompasses the deterioration of the environment through reduction of resources, ecosystems and the extinction of the environment, which can either positively or negatively, affects certain Canadian businesses. There is also the sup pression of human rights to consider, which entails the lack of support and working conditions workers may face in any field. Ultimately, it can be argued that globalization is a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of workers and suppression of human rights, all of which are negative effects on Canadian businesses. Exploitation of workers works internationally to negatively affect the credibility and efficiency of Canadian businesses. Nowadays most Canadians and residents of other developed western countries are mindful of the existence of sweatshops and labour exploitation in developing countries such as China, India, and Mexico. We all, including myself, agree that corrupt conditions and low wages for those workers are unacceptable, but none of us can do anything about it because globalization allows it to happen. Business is able to have factories in third world countries, such as Canadian business Joe Fresh, which has factories in India, the Philippines and China. People working in these factories are given less pay for more work. Their poverty and resulting economic depression in their respective countries can trigger adverse reactions across the globe, making them a target for foreigners to choose the cheap

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Interpersonal Relationships And Get Along With People Much...

interpersonal relationships and get along with people much better (Judge Mount, p.532). Openness to experience is a trait that is related to someone who is more scientifically and artistically creative. These people experience the good and bad more deeply than anyone else (Judge Mount, 2002). Agreeableness is highly related to job satisfaction. These individuals are motivated towards achieving interpersonal intimacy and are very positive. Being agreeable involves getting along with people and therefore these individuals are generally very likable. Conscientiousness individuals are thorough, careful and vigilant. They are efficient, organized and tend to complete tasks very well. This study showed that neuroticism and job satisfaction†¦show more content†¦The same way, if an individual is coming to work, with a preoccupied mind their concentration waivers. If they are going through problem at home, or with family members, it has a enormous impact on ones performance. Anoth er very important factor is ones job and organization environment. If a person is used to working in a quiet place and their office isn’t quiet at all, it impacts their work. The same way, the overall organization environment matters immensely. If it isn’t a serious working environment, often people who are able to work under pressure and are used to having a structured job, might find it hard to fit in. Some offices are very strict on deadlines whereas some aren’t, if an individual is used to working with strict deadlines, often when those deadlines are made flexible, they either finish the work to quick and then have nothing to do, or they adopt a very laid back attitude and end up delaying the work to much. Employers adopt certain practices to make sure that their employees are happy and satisfied with their jobs. It is very important to gain employees loyalty as people are constantly looking for new hires and if a worker feels neglected and is not satisfied with their job, they are very likely to jump ship. Employees offer a variety of benefits and compensations that often increase job satisfaction. For many workers, these benefits are key and they helpShow MoreRelatedCom 200 Final Paper922 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Letter for Couples who get Engage Joseph D. Plante COM 200 Jennifer Williams November 25, 2013 Letter for Couples who get Engage I. Introduction A. Thesis Statement Have you ever just looked and seen the love of your life? You stop and realize that this is the one for me. That the journey is over, I can stop looking. And then you stop and realize†¦Is this the one? Well I have only one question to ask you, how are the communication skills the you relay to eachRead MoreHumanistic and Social Development1288 Words   |  6 Pagesbest they can through practice and determination. 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Internet of Things a Technological

Question: Discuss about the Internet of things. Answer: Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the latest technologies that the world is working on and developing in order to eliminate human intervention. IoT could be defined as an ecosystem that connects all physical objects that are accessible through the Internet. The things, as defined by IoT, could be anything that is accessible using Internet (Beyene et al., 2017). The things ranges from a human heart that is controlled by the Internet or an entire city with sensors to automate its activities. This assignment highlights the problem that are faced by cities and the work that could be automated using IoT to reduce manual labour. The solution is provided in this assignment, along with in-depth understanding of how it works its pros and cons. Problem definition In most of the cities, there are various activities that could be easily controlled by the Internet and sensors, without any human intervention. For example, the control of the traffic signals could be done by using sensors (Byun et al.,2016). The sensors are devised to track the flow of traffic and regulate the signals according to that, without human intervention. Moreover, baggage tracking, trash collecting are also some of the activities that could be easily automated. Solution with features Traffic signal maintenance is one of the major issues in big cities, as the population of the traffic is high and during office hours, it becomes quite impossible for manual control of the traffic signals. However, using IoT technology, the traffic lights could be devised with sensors. These sensors are able to track the flow of traffic and then set the traffic signals accordingly. Moreover, the waste management is also a major issue in big cities. The trashcans are often cleared from time to time. Use of smart trash can has sensors in them. When the cans are filled to certain level, the municipality departments are informed such that they can send their vehicles to replace the cans immediately and prevent overflow of garbage (Byun et al.,2016). Another major sector that needs a lot of human intervention is the security guards in the office buildings. Facial recognition doors could replace this manual labour (Wortmann Flchter, 2015). While only the people with registered facial conf igurations could be allowed inside the premises, the need of a security guard to restrict access could be eliminated. Diagram Figure 1: Smart City using IoT (Source: Beyene et al., 2017) Figure 2: Some of the smart elements using IoT (Source: Byun et al.,2016 ) Working of the project The smart city project works of IoT technology, where sensors are attached to the things, such that they could be controlled by Internet (Byun et al.,2016). The use of smart traffic signals helps in automated management of the traffic, thus reducing the traffic congestion in the cities. Moreover, smart waste management ensures that the trash bins are cleared from time to time, such that overflow of garbage could be prevented. The smart parking lot ensures that the parking space is fully utilized and optimised. As the parking lot gets full, a sensor indicates that the parking lot is out of capacity. However, while a car moves out of the parking lot, the sensor indicates vacancy and an automated conveyer belt moves one car at a time into the parking lot (Liu Zhu, 2014). Thus, without intervention of humans, the cars are parked in the most optimized manner. The house lights are also done using smart sensors. When the sensors sense the presence of human beings, the houses are lit up (Mi sra et al.,2016). However, with the absence of human being, the lights are kept off, thus conserving electricity. Pros and Cons The pros of the smart city projects are as follows: Saves human intervention Automation of the activities makes it more perfect Optimization of the activities (Misra et al.,2016) Better management Ensures smooth running of the entire city The cons are much less compared to the pros. The cons are as follows: Failure of Internet Technical fault in the sensors (Zanella et al., 2014) Failure of the control servers will result in complete chaos in the smart city Since it is a better replacement of the human beings, hence unemployment rate might increase Conclusion IoT is the ultimate future that the world is looking forward. With the IoT technology, most of the activities that are periodic and does not need much customization could be automated. The IoT technology is inevitable for the advancements all around the world. Smart cities, smart agriculture, vehicle simulation, automated waste management are some of the features of a smart city. Thus, the IoT technology is essential for the advancements in the world. References Beyene, Y. D., Jantti, R., Tirkkonen, O., Ruttik, K., Iraji, S., Larmo, A., ... Torsner, J. (2017). NB-IoT technology overview and experience from cloud-RAN implementation.IEEE Wireless Communications,24(3), 26-32. Byun, J., Kim, S., Sa, J., Kim, S., Shin, Y. T., Kim, J. B. (2016). Smart City Implementation Models Based on IoT Technology.T. Shin, J.-B. Kim//Advanced Science and Technology Letters,129, 209-212. Liu, S. J., Zhu, G. Q. (2014). The application of GIS and IOT technology on building fire evacuation.Procedia engineering,71, 577-582. Misra, G., Kumar, V., Agarwal, A., Agarwal, K. (2016). Internet of things (iot)a technological analysis and survey on vision, concepts, challenges, innovation directions, technologies, and applications (an upcoming or future generation computer communication system technology).American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,4(1), 23-32. Wortmann, F., Flchter, K. (2015). Internet of things.Business Information Systems Engineering,57(3), 221-224. Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., Zorzi, M. (2014). Internet of things for smart cities.IEEE Internet of Things journal,1(1), 22-32.