Monday, December 30, 2019

Chronology of Ancient Mesopotamian Kings of Sumeria

Mesopotamia, the Land Between Two Rivers, was located in present-day Iraq and Syria  and was home to one of the most ancient civilizations: the Sumerians. Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Sumerian cities such as Ur, Uruk, and Lagash provide some of the earliest evidence of human societies, along with the laws, writing, and agriculture that made them function. Sumeria in southern Mesopotamia was countered by Akkad (as well as Babylonia and Assyria) in the north. Rival dynasties would shift the center of power from one city to another over thousands of years; the Akkadian ruler Sargon united the two societies during his reign (2334-2279 B.C.) The fall of Babylon to the Persians in 539 B.C. saw the end of indigenous rule in Mesopotamia, and the land was marked by further conquests by Alexander the Great, the Romans, and before coming under Muslim rule in the 7th Century. This list of ancient Mesopotamian kings comes from John E. Morby. Notes based on Marc Van De Mieroops. Sumerian Timelines First Dynasty of Ur c. 2563-2387 B.C. 2563-2524... Mesannepadda 2523-2484... Aannepadda 2483-2448... Meskiagnunna 2447-2423... Elulu 2422-2387... Balulu Dynasty of Lagash c. 2494-2342 B.C. 2494-2465... Ur-Nanshe 2464-2455... Akurgal 2454-2425... Ennatum 2424-2405... Enannatum I 2402-2375... Entemena 2374-2365... Enannatum II 2364-2359... Enentarzi 2358-2352... Lugal-anda 2351-2342... Uru-inim-gina Dynasty of Uruk c. 2340-2316 B.C. 2340-2316... Lugal-zaggesi Dynasty of Akkad c. 2334-2154 B.C. 2334-2279... Sargon 2278-2270... Rimush 2269-2255... Manishtushu 2254-2218... Naram-Suen 2217-2193... Shar-kali-sharri 2192-2190... anarchy 2189-2169... Dudu 2168-2154... Shu-Turul Third Dynasty of Ur c. 2112-2004 B.C. 2112-2095... Ur-Nammu 2094-2047... Shulgi 2046-2038... Amar-Suena 2037-2029... Shu-Suen 2028-2004... Ibbi-Suen (The last king of Ur. One of his generals, Ishbi-Erra, established a dynasty in Isin.) Dynasty of Isin c. 2017-1794 B.C. 2017-1985... Ishbi-Erra 1984-1975... Shu-ilishu 1974-1954... Iddin-Dagan 1953-1935... Ishme-Dagan 1934-1924... Lipit-Ishtar 1923-1896... Ur-Ninurta 1895-1875... Bur-Sin 1874-1870... Lipit-Enlil 1869-1863... Erra-imitti 1862-1839... Enlil-bani 1838-1836... Zambiya 1835-1832... Iter-pisha 1831-1828... Ur-dukuga 1827-1817... Sin-magir 1816-1794... Damiq-ilishu Dynasty of Larsa c. 2026-1763 B.C. 2026-2006... Naplanum 2005-1978... Emisum 1977-1943... Samium 1942-1934... Zabaya 1933-1907... Gunnunum 1906-1896... Abi-sare 1895-1867... Sumu-el 1866-1851... Nur-Adad 1850-1844... Sin-iddinam 1843-1842... Sin-eribam 1841-1837... Sin-iqisham 1836... Silli-Adad 1835-1823... Warad-Sin 1822-1763... Rim-Sin (probably an Elamite. He defeated a coalition from Uruk, Isin, and Babylon and destroyed Uruk in 1800.)

Saturday, December 21, 2019

APM Policy Enforcers - 897 Words

. On the other hand, APM policy enforces users to get access to a certain resource. APM needs to be available at each layer of the cloud network. This APM policy is more critical because any incorrect setup of the policy can damage the entire access control system. AR is a monitoring and reporting tool which can keep track of information of all policies and credentials by which cloud administrators can prevent and identify access violations, measure risk coverage, and enforce segregation of duties. Different types of reports can be implemented in AR, based on security guidelines and within the scope of AIM. AR is one of the most vital parts of AAM, as all of the security polices fully depend on this tool (SIG, 2012). However, another important security aspect of the cloud computing is SQL injection attacks (SQLIA) which needs to be improved. According to the cloud hosting company Firehost, SQLIA have increased from 18% to 20% from the first quarter to the second quarter of 20 13. Computer hackers try to insert malicious codes to get unauthorized access to database systems which will eventually give access to steal the contents of the databases. The cloud network should implement and improve on parameterized SQL queries, input validation, and stored procedures which will secure the system from exploiting the database. To retrieve, alter, or insert any data from the database system, SQL queries are required. SQL queries should separate the logic from data which

Friday, December 13, 2019

Womens suffrage movement Free Essays

Womens suffrage movement BY raider2014 Victoria Woodhull- The first woman to declare herself as a candidate for president, Woodhull announced her run on April 2, 1870, by sending a notice to the New York Herald. This was an absolutely astounding thing to do: women only recently received the right to vote in the two relatively obscure territories of Wyoming and Utah, and it would be another fifty years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment that assured the ballot to all American women. Moreover, she took this step without contacting any leading uffragists, who by then had been well organized for more than two decades. We will write a custom essay sample on Womens suffrage movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now Susan B. Anthony and others were stunned by the action of this controversial woman, whose â€Å"open marriage† was the talk of New York City. The next presidential election was two years away, and Woodhull used this time to bring attention to women’s issues, including the right to vote. Undaunted by the fact that women could not vote and that she was not yet old enough to legally become president, Woodhull traveled the country campaigning. Her speeches not only advocated the vote, but also birth ontrol, â€Å"free love,† and other positions that were a century ahead of her time. Many listeners were surprised to find themselves more sympathetic than they had expected: her beauty, soft voice, and reasoned arguments took the edge off of such shocking statements as her belief that marriage was â€Å"legalized prostitution. † Woodhull and her sister, Tennie C. , were in Jail, however, when the 1872 presidential election occurred. Because they wanted to draw attention to the era’s hypocrisy on sexual matters, their newspaper published the facts about an adulterous affair between the nationally popular Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and a leader of the women’s movement, Elizabeth Tilton. It was true, but not politically correct, and the sisters were indicted for both libel and obscenity. The charges eventually were dropped, but the scandal was enough to end Woodhull’s presidential aspirations, as she spent election day in Jail. Belva Lockwood- Belva Ann Bennett McNall Lockwood was a self-made woman who adopted bold positions in support of equal opportunity for women. She lived her life fighting to ensure that women had the same opportunities as their male counterparts, both by xample and in her law practice. Lockwood was set to graduate from law school in 1873, but was notified that she would not receive her degree. She appealed to President Ulysses S. Grant and he intervened on her behalf. Later she refused to take no for an answer again when she lobbied Congress for the right to argue in front of the federal courts and helped get the bill passed in 1879. She also Joined the National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) lecture circuit, which made her money and gave her recognition. She would upset the NWSA, though, with her decision to un as a presidential candidate for the National Equal Rights Party in 1884. Susan B. Anthony and others felt that Lockwood’s decision was self-serving and distracting from their greater mission, but she saw it as a way to bring attention to women as genuine citizens. Although always a fringe group, the party had its strongest support in Calitornia, where San Franciscan Marie tta Stowe served as the vice- presidential nominee. The party’s platform was not Just limited to feminism: it included positions on foreign affairs, civil service reform, and other issues, including n innovative proposal for federalization of family law. The Lockwood/Stowe ticket won Just over 4,000 votes in six states, but Lockwood was not discouraged and ran again in 1888. â€Å"Women should not merely talk about what needed to be done†, she said, â€Å"but should do it†. Margaret Chase Smith- Margaret Chase Smith served 32 years in Congress and was the first woman elected to both the House and Senate. Although a champion for women’s issues, she was always clear about being seen as a U. S. Senator and not a woman Senator. In 1964, she became the first credible female candidate for president. Unlike her predecessors, she had legislative experience. A liberal Republican closely associated with her native state of Maine, Margaret Madeline Chase was born to a blue-collar Skowhegan family in 1897. Her entry into politics began when her employer suggested that she be added to the Skowhegan Town Committee. She still was carrying out traditional wifely duties, however, as this helped husband, Clyde Smith, be elected the U. S. House in 1936. She moved to Washington and served as his aide, doing research on pending bills and assisting with speeches. When Clyde died in 940, Margaret won the special election to succeed him, and three months later, Maine voters elected her to the first of four full House terms. Smith moved up to the Senate in 1948, defeating both Maine’s current governor and a former governor. Her 1960 re-election was a milestone for women, as it was the first time that two women were nominated for a U. S. Senate seat: Smith easily defeated Democratic nominee Lucia Cormier. Nationally respected by 1964, Smith ran for president. Most states did not yet conduct primaries, but she ran credibly in those that did, and won the votes f 27 delegates at the Republican National Convention that nominated the more conservative Barry Goldwater. At 66, ageism Joined sexism as a factor in her loss. She was not credited for her greater experience; instead pundits speculated about whether Senator Smith was menopausal. Her point that â€Å"l haven’t seen the age played up in the case of the men candidates† was in vain. Patsy Takemoto Mink- Patsy Takemoto Mink was the first woman of color to serve in the United States Congress, but it was the work that she did there that should be remembered. Mink epresented many groups that, prior to her election, had been absent from national politics, working tirelessly to serve women, minorities and the poor. She brought attention to issues that others ignored. Takemoto learned first-hand that she could not take citizenship and the promise of the U. S. Constitution for granted: her family was put under surveillance after the attacks on Pearl Harbor, and her father was taken from their home for interrogation. Like most Hawaiians of Japanese descent, the Takemotos were not sent to an internment camp, but the awareness that most ainland Japanese Americans were incarcerated was an important factor in Patsy’s development. She graduated from law school in 1951, however no Chicago law firms wou d hire her, which sne initially thought was due to her ethnicity, but her gender and married status were also negative factors. Instead of allowing herself to be defeated, she and her husband moved to Hawaii. She opened her own law practice, becoming the first female Japanese-American lawyer in Hawaii. Active in the territorys Democratic Party, she also was a founder of the Young Democrats of America. This led to her election to the Territorial House of Representatives in 1956 and to the Hawaii Senate in 1958. How to cite Womens suffrage movement, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Misunderstood free essay sample

Everyone has his or her own struggles to deal with, which is why I don’t really like to talk about mine. However, the struggles I had did indeed help shape me as an individual. When I was younger, I was very quiet and reserved—exactly the opposite of how I am now. Due to this trait, I guess some people just saw me as an easy target. My mother grew up in Taiwan, and she immigrated to America to make something better out of her life. Because she was a native Mandarin Chinese speaker, that’s how she and I would communicate in the early years of my life, so I was effectively bilingual. I never saw this as a big deal until one of my six-year-old classmates came up to me and asked me why I was such a freak. He told me I was ugly and didn’t belong here with normal people, and that I should go back to the pig’s hole of a country where I came from. We will write a custom essay sample on Misunderstood or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Those are some pretty prejudiced things for a six year old to say to someone, especially since I’m only half ethnic. I was born in America, so how was I any less American? I wasn’t. I didn’t see it that way, though. I thought being half Chinese made me inferior to everyone else—that I was ugly, unimportant, and abnormal. I pretty much grew up with the mentality of being ugly, unimportant, and abnormal, all thanks to one individual. This â€Å"personal struggle† really taught me how much words mean. It doesn’t matter if your words seem unimportant—everything said by every single person is important, and they all have an impact on someone. Words are so powerful, and it’s so unfair to underestimate that.